Earlier this year, the BC Children’s Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) received
international recognition for excellence in pain care. With the honour of being only one of three Canadian pediatric hospitals to receive this prestigious award, this would not have been achievable without the ChildKind Project team.
- Randa Ridgway, medical director, PainCare 360; pediatric anesthesiologist, BC Children’s Hospital
- Susan Poitras, clinical director, PainCare 360 and Palliative Care
- Mariana Veiga, senior practice leader, New Knowledge & Innovation
- Haleigh Rowe, clinical nurse educator, Cardiology, Complex Pain & Surgical Ambulatory Clinics
- Kathleen Duddy, nurse practitioner, Acute Pain Service
- Andrew Tugwell, executive director, Health Promotion & Health Literacy
- Sabrina Gill, senior practice leader, PainCare 360
- Connie Kekwaletswe, project manager, PainCare 360
- Charlene Black, senior project manager, Health Literacy
- Ananya Chawla, research coordinator, PainCare 360
- Charlotte Aitken
- Sarah Bell
- Ingrid Kelly
- Tim Oberlander
- Zoe Schmidt
Since 2019, the team worked closely with staff, care providers and patient and family partners to develop and promote awareness of pain care standards, education and resources, which created an overwhelming amount of positive feedback leading to a site visit from the ChildKind international governing body.
“At the heart of the ChildKind certification process, was BC Children's commitment to providing person and family-centred care. This process supported patients and families to participate and collaborate in discussions about pain care improvements, policy development and allowed them to co-develop pain and comfort information and resources that were accessible for the public. Patient engagement was not tokenized, it was genuine and authentic with involvement from the beginning of the project in 2019,” says Susan Poitras, clinical director, PainCare 360 and Palliative Care, BC Children’s Hospital.
Congratulations to the ChildKind Project team on their PHSA+ Award!
The PHSA+ Awards are part of an internal recognition program that celebrates teams and individuals who bring our PHSA values to life in the workplace. They go above and beyond to serve patients and families across B.C. Read about the other PHSA+ award recipients for 2023.