Dr. Rubee Dev is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia (UBC), faculty in the UBC Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) and faculty in the UBC Women+ Children's Health Sciences (WACH) program, with a research focus in global women's health and primary health care. Her work entails extensive research to identify the data gaps and opportunities for action in meeting the needs of global women's health and improving care delivery in primary health care settings.
Juma is an Experimental Medicine PhD graduate specializing in the impact of environmental factors on cardiovascular and pulmonary health. While most of his research primarily focused on the health effects of air pollution exposure, Juma has since diversified his research to investigate how gender and gender-related variables affect cardiovascular self-care in the global context.
Learning Objectives:
- Reproductive and pregnancy-related cardiovascular risk indicators for postpartum women.
- CVD risk assessment in postpartum women.
- Opportunities in the postpartum period to reduce cardiovascular disease risk.
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Link to WHRI website: https://whri.org/news-events/bc-womens-hospital-virtual-research-rounds/