Helping your youth develop self-advocacy, health knowledge and decision-making – to the best of their ability.
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Start early! Begin to take on a coaching role and encourage youth to talk about their health condition and ask questions.
Encourage health care providers and others to direct questions to your youth.
Complete the
Youth Quiz together every year – starting at age 12 – to identify where they are at.
Work through the
Youth Toolkit Activity Cards to help youth develop skills and knowledge as he/she is able.
Together, make a list of signs, symptoms, and complications related to their condition or medications.
Just TRAC it!: Record “red flags” – signs and symptoms – as they occur on your Calendar app or paper calendar.
Support youth in using mobile online tools to track their symptoms, like ‘Seizure Tracker.’
Identify a health care advocate – others who can help in times of illness.
Try the
BC Health Services Locator app to locate services throughout the province.
Ask health care providers about future health concerns, progression of illness/disabilities, or late effects to treatment and/or medications.
Use reference websites and resources suggested by your health care providers –
HealthLink BC.
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