Santa makes a pre-Christmas stop at BC Children’s to spread holiday cheer Friday, December 17, 2021 St. Nick arrived via air ambulance, giving his reindeer a break before the busy Christmas Eve.
Q&A with BC Children's nurse who helped rescue family caught in B.C. mudslide Tuesday, December 14, 2021 Kathleen Sullivan was driving home from the Okanagan with her boyfriend when she was trapped between mudslides along Highway 7. She used her nursing skills to help treat many people, who were hit by the slide and seriously injured.
Walking your child through a COVID-19 vaccination appointment Thursday, December 9, 2021 Children typically aren’t fond of needles and can pick up on anxiety around COVID-19 vaccination. Read helpful tips from the BC Centre for Disease Control and BC Children’s Hospital.
Myocarditis, pericarditis and the COVID-19 vaccine Monday, December 6, 2021 In B.C. and elsewhere in Canada, there have been a small number of reports of heart inflammation in youth following vaccination with a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. An expert at BC Children’s Hospital weighs in on the developments.
Children five and up can be immunized for COVID-19 in B.C. Friday, November 19, 2021 Parents can register their children aged five and older for COVID-19 vaccination appointments. Read what BC Children’s Hospital pediatricians have to say.
Help your child cope with pain better Monday, November 15, 2021 Supporting a child or youth experiencing pain can be challenging and overwhelming, but a new BC Children's Hospital webpage can help you find the resources you need.
World experts: Recognizing the team dedicated to studying pediatric hip problems Thursday, November 4, 2021 They’re considered content experts in the area of pediatric hip conditions. Learn how BC Children’s Hospital's HIPpy Research Team helps children locally and around the world.
Keeping kids safe on Halloween during the COVID-19 pandemic Tuesday, October 26, 2021 How can you celebrate Halloween safely this year? The main piece of advice is to keep gatherings small and outside. Read more tips from the BC Children’s experts.
The BC Children’s ED is busy with respiratory viral illnesses Wednesday, October 20, 2021 The BC Children’s Hospital Emergency Department (ED) is seeing more respiratory viruses than usual and we’re just starting to see the beginning of the predicted rise in respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV.
Reaching out to the vaccine hesitant Tuesday, October 5, 2021 We checked in with those who attended PHSA’s very first COVID-19 vaccine clinic earlier this year to encourage health-care workers today who may be vaccine hesitant to get their shot.