The Medical Day Unit (MDU) was renovated in 2002, from four to a twelve bed unit. This was made possible by the hard work of the BCCH Foundation and the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chieng. As a result of the renovations, the Medical Day Unit is now able to offer the best care in the best place to more children and youth and their families.
The Medical Day Unit is a day treatment and diagnostic unit for the care of children and their families who require the multitude of services provided in this unique, bright and cheerful area.
The unit consists of the:
We care for children and their families following organ transplant such as liver, kidney, bowel, heart and thymus transplants. These children require careful monitoring for many months and often need central line blood work drawn and visits with physicians, transplant nurse coordinator and other allied health members.
We support the Diabetes Day Program, which involves a two- to three-day teaching program for children and youth and their families who have and new diagnosis of diabetes.
We care for minor burns and have a laser clinic for treating birth marks.
The Unit provides a safe place for diagnostic tests such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, lumbar punctures, liver biopsies, tensilon tests, and skin biopsies. We use conscious sedation as required for pain management.
The Medical Day Unit is a home base for families dealing with complex medical problems. We provide support and education for the Home Intravenous and Total Parental Nutrition Program, children on nasogastric feeding, subcutaneous medication delivery (Insuflon), and complex feeding problems.
The Medical Day Unit serves as a resource for the Spinal Cord Clinic by teaching children and their families about the bowel program and Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC).
If you would like more information about our services, please see What we do in Medical Day Unit (PDF).