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Sexual Health

Healthy relationships, and learning about your body, health condition, and sexuality is all part of growing up.

Tips and Links

  • Do you have a Family Physician you are comfortable talking to about puberty and sexuality? If not, do some research to find one who is right for you. Consider the gender of the doctor, youth-friendliness of the clinic, and location.
  • Learn about sexual consent.
  • BCCH gender resources section 
  • Check out the Trans Care BC website, BC's information hub for gender-affirming care and support.
  • Talk to your health care providers about your health condition and how it might affect your changes through puberty.
  • If you are thinking about using birth control, check to see how your health condition and/or medications may affect your options for contraception.
  • Just TRAC it!: If you take the birth control pill, set an alarm on your phone to remind you to take it at the same time every day.


Who To Ask About SexSexual Health Questions to Be AnsweredMy Personal JournalWho to talk to about sex

Tips and links



Tips and links

  • Sexual Health resources from Youth in BC (including free online chat services available from noon to 1am).
  • Online sexual health resources from the UBC Faculty of Medicine Youth Sexual Health Team.
  • Options for Sexual Health has tons of info on sexual health, birth control, education, and finding a clinic, plus a free phone hotline if you need to talk to someone (1-800-SEX-SENSE).
  • Scarleteen has online information on sexuality and relationships.
  • Download free resources from QMUNITY: BC's Queer Resource Centre.
  • Find information on STI prevention, getting tested, dating, hookups, consent, and confidentiality from SmartSexResource by the BC Centre for Disease Control (free online chat with a nurse).
  • The Coalition for Positive Sexuality provides free, candid sex education materials for teens. 
  • Project Respect is a youth-led initiative based in Victoria, BC with information on consent and sexual rights and responsibilities.
  • Teen Health Source provides information on sex, sexuality, sexual health, STIs, pregnancy options, relationships, puberty, and more, including options to phone, email, text, or instant message a trained teen volunteer with your sexual health questions. 
  • Check out Shift Education for information on one-on-one coaching and/or group workshops for youth and families on health and safety, relationships, and sexuality (for youth with diverse abilities).



‎Tips and links


‎Tips and Links

  • Ask your physician/nurse if your condition can be passed on to your children.
  • Ask for a referral to a genetic specialist to learn about your risks and options.


Sexual Health Questions to Be AnsweredMy Personal Journal
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SOURCE: Sexual Health ( )
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