BC Children’s Hospital Communications and Patient Experience teams invite you to share your experience and feedback using our website, bcchildrens.ca. It will help us to improve the way we communicate with patients, families and caregivers.
We are interested in learning:
- Why and when you use the website.
- Information that is most useful to you.
- Ways we can improve our website and its information to better support you in the future.
You can share your feedback in either a survey or a virtual interview.
If you would like to take part in a virtual interview, please provide your email address through the survey above and you will be contacted directly. As a thank you for participating in an interview, you will receive a $50 honorarium.
If you choose to accept this invitation to share your feedback (survey or interview), you are acknowledging that it is OK for your story and experiences to be anonymously shared with others. Anything you and others share will remain confidential and anonymous.
Thank you for your willingness to share your personal story and experience. We are grateful.